Sunday, January 13, 2008

American muggle football

Oh how i love this sport. I know its not very witchy of me but growing up in America where us witches live quietly i must admit I am addicted.

My favorite team the patriots have won and will continue one and that Peyton Manning guy blew which always but a smile on my face.

How I wish my Patriots were not so close to that dreadful Salem place with is history it would be a much better place to be.

Now of that matters now I am safely at Hogwarts where I can be the little Witch I am. Oh I have so much to learn from the teachers and my lovely housemates... I cant wait for class to begin

1 comment:

Jade Bladvak said...

Can you imagine that Patriot Tom Brady on a Quidditch team? He would be amazing! And the way he throws that football, I think he must be part wizard! (and pretty dreamy, too!)